Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville, Maryland

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Faith Formation

Children ages 5-11 are invited to join us in-person for Religious Education classes at 10:30 on Sunday mornings!

Children's classes are held during the church worship service.
So that we may serve you better, registration is required for all children and youth.

UUCR's Lifespan Religious Education is a year-round program for children, youth, and adults who seek spiritual growth, a transforming faith, stronger Unitarian Universalist identity, and vital communities of justice and love.

Our religious education programs don't give us "the answers" to life's tough questions, but they do give us information, encouragement, and a safe community to seek meaning for ourselves. We support parents, children's primary educators, in raising inquiring, conscientious children.

On Sunday mornings, religious education classes for children ages 5-11 run concurrently with the worship service from 10:30 - 11:30 am.

Register your child here so that we can keep our information up to date and assure the safety of all children and youth.

Religious Education Programming Goals

To deepen our connection to ourselves, each other , and the larger world, we will focus on:

  • Community:  People of all ages experience a life-giving spiritual community of faith, hope, and love; characterized by hospitality, welcoming, love and support.

  • Service and Justice: People of all ages engage locally and globally in serving those in need, working for justice, and caring for our Earth.

  • Moral Responsibility: People of all ages develop ethical/moral responsibility- learning about UU perspectives on moral questions and how to apply their faith to decisions about what's right and wrong.

  • Intergenerational Relationships: People develop intergenerational relationships in community where the UU faith is shared, modeled, and lived.

The great end in religious instruction...
is not to stamp our minds irresistibly on the young, but to stir up their own...

to awaken the soul, to excite and cherish spiritual life.
- William Ellery Channing

  • lifelong spiritual discovery
  • beloved community
  • a just world